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Apply to be a judge.
dcps season 3.11.23 (1200 x 628 px) (4).png

Below are criteria to consider while judging:


Poetic Language and Fluency

The poem uses figurative language and/or interesting vocabulary to attract the listener. The poem has a structure that makes sense audibly and flows well, with some form of sense and rhythm.


Idea and Theme

The poem has a clear idea and purpose, showing a coherent theme throughout the piece.


Tone and Mood

The poem portrays a clear emotion from the writer's words/attitude. The poem creates a mood through vocabulary choices and phrasing.


Body/Facial Movement

The poet shows clear emotions through their body movements and their face. These emotions enhance the mood and tone of the poem.


Vocal Strength/Emotion

The poet has articulate emotion in their voice, reflecting the poem well. The poet projects towards the microphone. The poet uses their voice to help convey the message of the poem.

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